Elevate Kids & Teens
"Let the little children come... for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:4
We love kids and see great value & importance in investing in their lives. Our mission is to encourage life-long intimacy with God, and to raise up the next generation of bold and passionate revivalists!
There is no "junior Holy Spirit!" We believe the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to children and youth just as it belongs to adults. We believe that children and youth can easily hear from and encounter God. Therefore, it is our desire to see every child and youth come to know and experience the fullness of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and as a result, boldly pursue the supernatural life of Jesus!
We advance this mission by equipping children and youth with a firm foundation built on the Word of God, and by creating an atmosphere where children and youth experience the Presence, encounter the love of the Father, learn how to hear from and be guided by the Holy Spirit, and discover and grow in the unique gifts God has placed in each one of them. Our prayer is to see each child and youth cultivate an ever-growing relationship with God that will carry them into their calling and destiny in the Kingdom of Heaven!
Elevate KIDS
Our teachers are dedicated to making each class an emotionally and physically safe and welcoming environment, where your child can encounter the love of the Father and have the most fun learning in His Presence and growing in their faith! Elevate Kids are released to their classes after worship is over (around 10:45am). For more Elevate Kids class info, click here.
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."
1 Timothy 4:14
Elevate TEENS
All youth ages 13-18 are invited to be a part of the Teen Sunday Class that is led by one of our Leaders, Jon Fouch. This group meets the 1st Sunday of the month after worship, during service time. For our teens, we emphasize creating a personal history with God. History is created through ownership. Our teaching is designed to enhance this process. Instead of just teaching, we foster discussion. We pose real problems, tell real stories, and allow time for them to share. This allows their faith and relationship to be validated by their peers as well as themselves. This is a time to explore their faith and build their own walk with the Lord. Because in the end, eternal life is to know and experience the one true God and Jesus Christ (John 17:3).
We also encourage our teens to participate in a local, regional youth group: YM360. For more info, click here.